The script is available for download for free under the GPL/GNU license. When you install your wallpaper script you will be able to start managing all your library of wallpapers and make them available for your visitors to download and customize their computer desktop background.
Once you download, just unzip the zip file and follow the very easy to use installation instructions in the readme.txt file.
Site features include :
Admin Features include :
Wallpaper Script is a full featured wallpaper site creator script. It takes minutes to setup and start earning money from your new website. If you need a serious script to manage your wallpaper site like a PRO then Wallpaper Script is the right solution, in front of the average competition with giant steps. SEO urls, bulk upload, bulk resize, template based, professional tableless design, add/remove partners (link exchange), RSS for members and categories, sitemap creator and submitter, unlimited categories and subcategories, tag cloud, automatic resize, full admin control, multiple languages support, full source code.
description: this is a php wallpaper script. the open source script is a wallpaper script that allows you to change wallpapers and manage them through an ACP - this open source wallpaper script is not made in ohio either. we hope you like our wallpaper script because you can set up a wallpaper website for free with this open source wallpaper script to change desktop wallpaper for your visitors and earn money at the same time with a ad manager you can add adnsence ads from google. With this open source script wallpaper you can also upload and manage different size wallpaper are resolutions like 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1600x1200 just are few and are the most common dimensions commonly used today but if you want the script wallpaper for other size, you can just add whatever your dimensions you want. this script wallpaper works with php and mysql. so you will need a database to run our open source wallpaperscript, at this time a version of wallpaper script pro is not available, but if you are interested in an open source wallpaper scripts you can download OSWallpaper today for free from our wallpaper site. downloading the script will allow you to manage and approve and comments all with the wallpaper with script wallpapers. what are you waiting for start publishing your wallpapers with this script w-script wallpaper which is not like w-script wallpaper this is a good script and possibly the best wallpaper script for desktop backgrounds. after we are complete with this wallpaper script we can offer screensaver script also, but for now we can only give you a free wallpaper script to try it out. if you find any bugs or problems, you can join our discussion in our forums. we hope you like our wallpaper script, although the wallpapers script still in development, our wallpaper scripts can make your visitor's download desktop wallpaper. you can have an amazing wallpaper website with this walllpaper script for free, cant get better than that. for this wallpaper script we decided to use php because if you want to have a wallpaper script, it will make it the b best wallpaper script you can download for free. the script also comes with demo wallpapers you can choose to edit each wallpaper in the admin script unlike some wallpaper pro script which can consume alot of resources from your server. we try to make this open source wallpaper script as light as possible. download from our wallpaper site section if you are interested in getting this open source script for wallpaper with script w-script . also we want to encourage you to give us any ideas you may have about the wallpaper w-script or any wallpaper script you are currently using. we want welcome any script to change desktop for our visitors. we also hope to have the wallpaper script change some features and improve our wallpaper script, for example, if you like ohio wallpaper then with this script you can set any wallpaper you like, its your wallpaper site, so you can upload and edit any wallpaper picture or image you have. we hope you enjoy our wallpaper script.
Download :
Download Wallpaper ScriptDownload the site for free at the downloads section here :